Water testing

If you rely on water from dams or groundwater sources such as soaks, bores and wells, it is important to regularly check your water quality. Salinity is one aspect of water quality that should be regularly tested as a minimum and good records maintained. It is good practice to test important water sources twice per year. For example, a test once in February/March and another in August/September would be ideal.

Factsheet:Water testing: salinity and pH, in four simple steps

How do I collect good water samples?

  1. Use a clean plastic or glass container with a good sealing lid that can hold at least 500ml, washed drink bottles are fine.
  2. Mark the container or attach the following details: your name, phone number, date of sample taken, well, dam, or water source name /identification.
  3. Rinse the container three times with the water to be sampled before filling the container to take the final sample.
  4. Wells and bores not pumped recently will need to be purged before taking a water sample, this means pumping the well for a period of time to remove at least three well volumes of water to get a non-contaminated water sample.
  5. Contact us for further advice.

How do I get my water samples tested?

  1. Deliver your water sample(s) to your nearest location for salinity and pH testing.
  2. If you require water testing for other factors such as bacteria levels, algae or levels of other minerals, the sample will need to be sent to a professional laboratory.
  3. If you have any questions or want to discuss your water test results, refer to the Water Testing fact sheet.

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More information

Water Resources Officer

89 Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln, SA 5606

(08) 8688 3226
