KI Grassroots Grants in 2020-21

The 2020-21 KI Grassroots Grants helped landholders and community groups do a range of projects on Kangaroo Island including:

KI Grassroots Grants in 2020-21
Interpretive sign about hooded plovers installed at Stokes Bay. Image: BirdLife Kangaroo Island

Sharing our shores with coastal birds

Recipient: BirdLife Kangaroo Island

This community group was supported to install 11 informative, interpretive signs to educate people about how they can assist vulnerable hooded plovers (Thinornis cucullatus) at some of Kangaroo Island's most heavily visited beaches including Vivonne Bay, Island Beach, Crabby Jacks, Brown Beach, Pennington Bay, Hanson Bay, Stokes Bay and Snellings Beach.

KI Grassroots Grants in 2020-21
Volunteers photographing dolphins to identify individuals at North Cape. Image Phyll Bartram

Further Afield with Dolphin Watch: Renewing and extending Citizen Science dolphin research field surveys

Recipient: Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch

Five Citizen Science research surveys were undertaken of dolphins in North Cape, Dashwood Bay, Emu Bay, Stokes Bay, Nepean Bay, American River and Hog Bay and monthly data analysis workshops were held. This research has helped to increase knowledge and understandings of local resident and transient dolphin populations to assist efforts to protect and conserve the dolphins and their habitats.

Emergency response training

Recipient: Kangaroo Island Wildlife Network

17 volunteers were trained in Defence Driving and Fire Awareness to support emergency response in a disaster can being carried out safely and effectively.

Understanding and managing Phytophthora, weeds and revegetation on a unique 100 ha landbase

Recipient: Dudley landholder

The landholder was supported to undertake a range of activities including revegetating 0.7 ha with 150 seedlings, testing for and managing Phytophthora cinnamomi, mapping, managing and monitoring bridal creeper, controlling erosion and monitoring native flora and fauna.

KI Grassroots Grants in 2020-21
Removing and burning African boxthorns from Cape St Albans to restore native habitat. Image A Lashmar

Cape St Albans weed management

Recipient: Dudley landholder

The landholder was supported to remove African boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum) from 40 ha at Cape St Albans.

KI Grassroots Grants in 2020-21
Newly built fence to protect regenerating native vegetation. Image P McGorman

Creating livestock exclusion fencing for creek and erosion gully regeneration

Recipient: Seddon landholder

The landholder was supported to protect 29 ha of regenerating riparian native vegetation along their creekline with 2,350 m of fencing and prevent rising salinity by planting 2,500 native trees in shelter belts over 25 ha.

Shelter belt revegetation and access control

Recipient: Seddon landholder

The landholder was supported to protect 28.4 ha of regenerating native vegetation in shelterbelts from stock grazing by fencing.

Weed control at Wallaby Run Emu Bay

Recipient: Menzies landholder

The landholder was supported to spot spray infestations of horehound and variegated thistle on their property.

Fencing remnant vegetation areas burnt in the bushfire

Recipient: Duncan landholder

The landholder was supported to protect 32.73 ha of regenerating native vegetation from stock grazing by fencing.