KI Grassroots Grants 2024-25

Successful Grassroots Grants projects in 2024-25 include:

Project nameApplicantOutcomes
KICE Weather StationKangaroo Island Community Education: Parndana CampusInstall a weather station at KICE Parndana Campus to provide live and archive weather data for students at KICE to underpin a wide range of topics including how technology is being used to enhance decision relating to agricultural production/farming. Data will be publicly available.
Shelterbelt protection, rejuvenation and understorey vegetationLandholder in MacGillivrayProtection of a shelter belt from stock with 1km of fencing. Rejuvenate the old growth KI narrow-Leaved mallee trees within it and revegetate it with 500 understorey native species indigenous to this area.
Native vegetation shelterbeltLandholder in HainesEstablish a 1 ha fenced shelterbelt of native vegetation containing 1000 native plants including threatened species to enhance biodiversity, create vital habitat for wildlife and provide shelter for stock.
Livestock proof fencing for native vegetation protectionLandholder in NewlandTo protect remnant native vegetation with 4.5 km of fencing on their property to: prevent soil erosion and improve soil stability, provide shelter and windbreaks for livestock, provide habitat for native species and help reduce their carbon footprint.
Livestock exclusion fencing riparian vegetationLandholder in SeddonProtection of the riparian vegetation along a creek with 2.4 km of fencing to: prevent erosion, improve land use and livestock management and provide shelter and windbreaks for livestock.
Vermin proof fencing around the Parndana Community GardenParndana Progress AssociationTo extend the fence around the Parndana Community Garden to better protect it from native animal browsing and plant native understorey species to attract small birds beneficial to the garden.
Sustainable agriculture for community, soils and economyLandholder in CassiniDevelop a large-scale vermicomposting system for use on their farming enterprise to improve soils and water retention, mitigate soil erosion, sequester carbon, reduce or end fertiliser and pesticide use, and manage water and pests and diseases. A field day will be held to promote the results of using the vermicomposting system to the community.
Bringing back the bush, the birds ….and the beesLandholder in DuncanTo support the landholders to engage with the community and showcase the revegetation they have undertaken and the lessons they have learnt on their property over 22 years at two property walks.
Protecting old growth woodlands for threatened species habitat in the Black Summer firescarLandholder in Middle RiverTo improve the condition of old-growth sugargum and stringybark woodlands, create habitat and enhance connectivity from existing areas of high-quality habitat through the erection of a 1.5 km of stock-proof fence and planting of 400 native plants.
KI Land for Wildlife feral cat monitoringKangaroo Island Land for Wildlife AssociationTo support the array of 50 4G cameras connected to an eVorta artificial intelligence platform, being used to identify and control feral cats, and monitor threatened species, across private conservation bushland.