Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers Program
The Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers project is a 12-month, $105,000 project that will engage Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board staff to conduct extensive river and floodplain surveys, map weed infestations and guide on-ground control works.
The Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers Program will tackle priority sites between Blanchetown and Wellington, beginning in May 2022 and concluding in May 2023.
Healthy Rivers is a collaborative project delivered by the Murraylands Riverland Landscape Board on behalf of Mid-Murray Landcare SA with funding from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The project will work in partnership with landholders, councils, First Nations communities, and volunteers.
Healthy Rivers priority pest plant species
The project will control 5 priority species:
• yellow water lily
• Opuntia species such as wheel cactus and Hudson pear
• arrowhead (sagittaria)
• African boxthorn
• boneseed
Weed control will be undertaken in a coordinated and targeted approach across the region and may include other declared species found during surveys. District Officers from the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board will use best-practice control methods to achieve effective weed management.
Community involvement in Healthy Rivers
Local landholders and community groups assisted in designing this project and will be involved in the on-ground weed control.
Tools and equipment will be available for loan to enable landholders and community groups to tackle priority species in their local area. Workshops equipping participants with identification and control skills will be run for communities throughout the project area.
For more information, or to become involved in the project, contact the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board district team.
Cambrai 8564 5154 |
This project is supported by the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board through funding from the Australian Government under the Murray–Darling Basin Economic Development Program.
Healthy Rivers is being delivered on behalf of Mid-Murray Landcare SA.