Southern bell frog monitoring in the Lower Lakes

This project is now complete.

What was the project?

The Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board, together with wetland managers and community groups, is aiming to maintain and enhance the biodiversity values of the region. The Wetlands and Floodplains Program completed a project in 2011 that observed the biotic response of the Southern bell frog to changes in environmental conditions within the Goolwa Channel, as part of the Goolwa Channel Water Level Management Project.

What were the aims?

The main aims were to:

  • identify existing populations and core breeding populations
  • assess the habitat conditions at core breeding sites in relation to water level and habitat structure
  • identify habitats that may require management, enhancement and/or conservation.

What was found?

The investigations showed that there is a need to conserve and appropriately manage wetlands and vegetation communities associated with breeding habitats of the Southern bell frog. This is to be done by building upon current land management practices and implementing a variable hydrological regime.

Lead agency

Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board

Funding partners

The Coorong Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Recovery Project is funded by the South Australian Government’s Murray Futures program and the Australian Government.

Southern bell frog monitoring in the Lower Lakes
Southern bell frog monitoring in the Lower Lakes

Image gallery

More information

Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board

Mannum Road, Murray Bridge SA 5253

08 8532 9100