Native plant - Monarto mintbush

Monarto mintbush (Prostanthera eurybioides)



Conservation rating

Monarto mintbush is nationally endangered – approximately 600 plants remain in the Murraylands and Riverland region. There is also a population in the upper south-east of South Australia, at Mount Monster.




Found in tall shrublands or open woodlands, usually associated with rocky granite outcrops.

When present in tall shrublands, there are very few overstorey species present. The dominant species found in this habitat type is broombush (Melaleuca uncinata).

The undergrowth is typically dominated by scattered shrubs over native grasses, lilies and herbs.

In open woodland habitats, the overstorey is dominated by:

The undergrowth is typically dominated by scattered shrubs over native grasses, lilies and herbs.


Only two small, scattered populations in South Australia – at Monarto (near Murray Bridge) and around Mount Monster Conservation Park (within the park and on private land).

How you can help

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