Bushfire prevention - constructing fire access tracks

A fire access track in the mallee

Fire access tracks allow for the safe passage of firefighting vehicles undertaking fire suppression activities. They must be designed, constructed, and maintained in order to permit access by 4WD fire vehicles.

There are three types of fire access tracks and they must meet the following minimum standards.

Minor fire tracks

These tracks must:

Standard fire tracks

These tracks must:

Major fire tracks

These tracks must:

Location of fire access tracks

The following must be considered when selecting a location for any fire access tracks:

Constructing fire access tracks

Erosion control

Where possible, the placement of fire access tracks should minimise soil disturbance and retain sufficient vegetation cover to reduce erosion. Track design should include erosion control measures.

Formed or cut tracks should be designed and constructed to maintain natural drainage lines. All tracks should be designed to allow run-off, and any tracks across a watercourse should allow safe vehicle crossing, but not interfere with stream flow.

Vehicle access

Tracks used for fire access should be as straight as possible and allow easy passage for firefighting vehicles. Entry points to tracks that do not allow passage for firefighting vehicles should be clearly identified.


All tracks used for fire access should have curves with a minimum inside radius of 8.5m.

No through roads and dead ends

No through roads are only permitted provided appropriate signage and turnaround points are in place.

No through roads without turnaround points are to be barricaded at their entrances and not included on fire maps.

Turnaround points

In line with the above, construction of tracks with dead ends should be avoided. Where this is not possible, safe, suitable turnaround points must be provided to accommodate large firefighting vehicles by the construction of either:

Sign posting

All tracks should be named and sign posted. Signage should meet with Australian Standard 1743 (2001), and track names/numbers should be shown on maps.

Sign posts should include the following where applicable:

More information

The information in this factsheet is taken from Managing native vegetation - reduce the impact of bushfires for this and other information refer to related links at the bottom  of this page.

Related links