Bushfire recovery and biodiversity


Fire is a natural process to which our native vegetation is adapted. Although initially devastating, fire can be beneficial in maintaining diversity and survival for many species of plants. It helps release valuable nutrients from the soil and can also be important for stimulating the soil seed bank.

Fire can also create fauna habitat by increasing the number of fallen logs and branches. In addition, tree hollows – created by the loss of tree limbs – are important for local fauna.

With time, most areas of native vegetation will naturally recover from burning, but you can encourage the process by managing any potential threats.

Helping recovery

Erosion control

Weed control


Feral animal control


Monitoring the impact of fire

Now is a good opportunity to take some records on the condition of your habitat areas, to monitor the impact of the fire and the recovery of the vegetation over time.

Photo points

Records and mapping


It is always best to allow native vegetation to regenerate naturally where possible. Priority should be given to weed control, taking care to prevent any off-target damage to the native plants.

You may see a flush of fire responsive native species, seen only after bushfire.

In certain circumstances, supplementary planting with tube stock or direct seeding with native seed can be useful. If replanting:

More information

Contact us to discuss kangaroo management and to obtain a destruction permit if necessary.

We have a range of factsheets about bushfire prevention and recovery to assist you with good land management. Refer to the related links below.

Related links