Our region's plan

Alinytjara Wiluṟara Landscape Plan

AW Landscape Plan 2021_26 cover.jpg

The Alinytjara Wiluṟara Landscape Plan 2021-26 places a strong emphasis on building capacity through on-ground works, working with communities on local projects, and building traditional authority and approvals into processes. Elders have been consulted wherever possible to ensure cultural priorities and ideas are included as part of planning and undertaking projects.

The AW Landscape Plan has detailed targets for the condition of the environment and will be delivered by the AW Landscape staff through a diverse range of programs that combine the priorities of the community with the legislative responsibilities of the board. The AW Landscape Plan was approved by the Board and the Minister for Environment and Water in July 2021.

The development of the AW Landscape Plan was undertaken in partnership with Traditional Owners, Aboriginal organisations, government agencies, research institutions, private sector organisations and – most importantly – the people living in or connected to the region’s communities.

Annual Business Plan

The Alinytjara Wiluṟara Landscape Board Business Plan 2024-25 outlines the Board’s expected income and proposed expenditure for the 2024-25 financial year.

The Business Plan also sets out how the Board aims to achieve the activities that are the Board’s focus areas underpinning the five regional priorities.

Climate Change

Healthy Country Planning

Since mid-2014 the AW Landscape Board (formerly known as AW NRM Board) has supported implementation of the Healthy Country Planning facilitation process which focuses on participation and engagement of Aṉangu community members and the inclusion of their traditional knowledge and priorities as the foundation of land management. The resulting Healthy Country Plans form the basis of the AW Landscape Board's approach to managing Country sustainably into the future, while meeting the needs of the people living in the region.

Healthy Country Plans have been developed by the following landholding authorities:

Yalata Community

Far West Coast


Antarinka Matu-Yankunytjatjara


Maralinga Tjarutja

How we track progress

To ensure that our region is on the right track to achieving our vision, we need to measure progress against the targets that are detailed in the AW Regional Landscape Plan. This is achieved by including monitoring activities in all programs and projects undertaken in the region. This enables regular progress reporting and allows us to understand the impact on-ground activities are having on natural resources in the region.

Our success depends on more than just our programs and projects – it is a whole-of-region achievement by the local community, stakeholders and agencies that work collaboratively with the Alinytjara Wiluṟara Landscape Board.