Eastern Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara and Tallaringa landscape
The Eastern Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) and Tallaringa form one of nine distinct sub-landscapes in the Alinytjara Wiluṟara region. This includes the eastern plains of the APY Lands which have been returned to Aṉangu ownership and management, as well as the Tallaringa Conservation Park and the Woomera Prohibited Area. Beneath this landscape is part of the Great Artesian Basin, the largest artesian groundwater basin in the world. Due to this groundwater, there are bores for the Aṉangu communities located in this area as well as for pastoral requirements. However, these sources are poorly understood and considered at risk of unsustainable use. There is also scattered surface water, with a few rock holes, waterholes and soaks, but these are unprotected from feral animals and so at high risk.
Key characteristics
- The sandstone Indulkana Ranges and flat plateaus with deeply eroded drainage lines and gorges
- Several different habitats, including grasslands, shrub lands and woodlands
Native plants and animals
- Threatened native plant species, including the shrub Baeckea tuberculata, found only in this area
- Threatened bird species, including the western bowerbird, red-throat, brown honeyeater, scarlet chested parrot, bustard and black-breasted buzzard
- Malleefowl
Access to this region may require a pass or permit. There is no access for the general public to the APY Lands, and no transit permits are allowed. Visitors should also be aware that there are safety issues specific to the region.