AW and SA Parks work together

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Buffel grass maangement in AW

buffel on the railway line

During early September, the Department for Environment and Water’s (DEW) A/Park Ranger Paul Duffield and AW’s Community Project Officer Stuart Sexton undertook Buffel grass inspections along the rail corridor that runs through Yellabinna Conservation Park in South Australia’s far west region.

Conservation and wilderness parks cover extensive areas of the Alinytjara Wiluṟara region. Alinytjara Wiluṟara’s collaboration with DEW’s National Parks and Wildlife Service to care for these parks is aimed at optimising natural resource management outcomes in accordance with parks’ Healthy Country Plans.

Healthy Country Plans created by park co-management boards and committees formed the basis of the AW Regional NRM Plan and have been equally considered in the draft of the new AW Landscape Regional Plan to ensure all aspects of caring for the country are proactively considered and incorporated in resulting projects undertaken.

“Paul’s experience with Buffel grass management was really helpful especially in identifying the weed at its various stages of growth” said Stuart.

Although it was before Stuart’s time, Paul Duffield actually worked with Alinytjara Wiluṟara in a similar position so it’s fairly certain the pair would have had much to talk about besides weeds.

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