Feral Animal Control Landholder Access Agreement

Thank you for your permission to undertake feral animal control on your property. You can learn more about our regional grazing pressure management program here.

Please complete the form below to confirm your participation.

Please note, after the form has been submitted all fields will go blank, you won't receive an on-screen confirmation message. Please check your email for the confirmation if you are concerned the form hasn't gone through.

This Agreement terminates on 31 December 2026, unless terminated prior by written notification by the landholder or Landscapes Hills and Fleurieu.

Landholder details

Best contact method

Property details

e.g. name on council rate notice or name on valuation notice
Lot / Section / Hundred / CTxx/xx / DCDBID (if known), Valuation Number (if known)

Safety, Livestock and Biosecurity

Areas of property with potential risks and hazards (if applicable)
Can carcasses remain in-situ or do they need to be moved to scrub / fence line, on-site disposal location or removed from property?
Biosecurity concerns existing on the property (e.g. phytophthora) or requirements such as wash-down?
Livestock/pet considerations (e.g. presence of sensitive livestock, lambing periods etc.).
Please advise of any access considerations such as areas where access and shooting is permitted and areas where shooting is NOT permitted (i.e. residence, sheds, stud animals), locked gates, calling on entry and confirming exit.
Please provide details of any neighbours who, in your opinion, would require specific notifications prior to shooting operations due to particular sensitivities, or otherwise. We always encourage participants to notify neighbours where practicable of their participation.
Please click on the “Choose File” button below to select and attach your documents (5 in total).


Landscapes Hills and Fleurieu will:
  1. Incur all costs associated with the shooting operations undertaken through the Feral Animal Control Program;
  2. Obtain relevant approvals and coordinate landholder communications;
  3. Supervise relevant operations in accordance with approved plans, codes of practice and animal welfare standards.
  4. Ensure that all control operations (including contractors engaged by Landscapes Hills and Fleurieu) are covered by appropriate insurance and safety procedures.
I/ we agree that by signing this Landholder Access Agreement;
Confirm submission of the above information.
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