National Landcare Program Video Series

Welcome our three-part video series showcasing some of the outcomes from our five-year National Landcare Program projects (2018-2023).

Part One - Back from the Brink - The fight to save the western beautiful firetail.

The chestnut-rumped heathwren, southern emu-wren, and western beautiful firetail are nationally threatened species that inhabit dense heathy or swampy shrublands in the Hills and Fleurieu region. They face ongoing declines caused by habitat loss.

Through the ‘Back from the Brink’ project, we have been reducing immediate extinction risks and improving the long-term viability of these species.

Part Two - Healthy Soils Healthy Landscapes

There is a direct link from soil health to plant health, animal health and human health.

We have been working with farmers, industry and community groups to deliver the Healthy Soils, Healthy Landscapes project to improve soil health by focussing on soil pH, carbon and erosion.

Part Three - Back from the Brink - Cracking the code to save threatened orchids

Orchids are unlike any other group of plants in the way they capture our imagination.

Through the ‘Back from the Brink’ project, we have been working with the South Australian Seed Conservation Centre to propagate and re-introduce populations of native orchids across the Hills and Fleurieu region.

The production of these videos was funded by the Australian Government's National Landcare Program