There are 27 species of native mammals found in the region. Another 11 species have diseappeared locally since European colonisation, including the platypus, eastern quoll, two phascogale species, the greater bilby and the burrowing bettong. Those still found here include the echidna, an antechinus, two dunnart species, a bandicoot, wombat, three possums, two kangaroos, three rats and 14 types of bats. Of these seven are considered threatened at the state or national level and another is considered threatened within this region.
Commonly sighted mammals
Changing land practices since European colonisation have led to the decline and regional extinction of many species. However, these changes have also favoured other species. For example, the common brushtail possum has adapted well to the urban environment and is commonly seen around built-up areas.
Find out more about possums in our region including the ringtail possum. Plus there's more information on the common brushtail possum here, and the western pygmy possum below.
Koalas, which were introduced to this region in an effort to assist the conservation of this species from the eastern states, have also found the habitat within the region favourable. Other species such as the western grey kangaroo have adapted well to the altered landscape and are persisting despite the urbanisation of much of this region.
Some of the major threats to mammal conservation are:
- climate change, drought and severe weather – including the threat of long-term climatic change which may be linked to global warming and other sever climatic/weather events e.g. droughts, temperature extremes, storms and flooding.
- inappropriate fire regimes – whilst fire is a natural part of the landscape, changes to factors such as fire frequency, season and intensity can change habitat suitability for fauna.
- disease and insect damage – the nature and impact of disease affecting native wildlife, and the damage caused by invertebrates, is not well understood. Toxoplasmosis (a disease carried by cats) is a possible but largely unknown threat to the Southern Brown Bandicoot and dieback may have severe impacts on the habitat of many of our native mammals.
- predation by feral and uncontrolled cats and European foxes – native species have adapted to a suite of native predators but are not as easily able to coexist with introduced predators. Domestic cats also have the potential to kill native wildlife. However there are things that you can do to help protect both cats and wildlife.
Mammals we are working to protect
Find out more about key species and view a list of threatened native mammals found in the region.
Name: Grey-headed Flying-fox
Scientific name: Pteropus poliocephalus
Regional status: Vulnerable Related links:
Name: Southern brown bandicoot
Scientific name: Isoodon obesulus obesulus
Regional status: Vulnerable Related links:
Name: Western pygmy possum
Scientific name: Cercartetus concinnus
Regional status: Vulnerable Related links: