Adelaide Plains Water Allocation Plan

Adelaide Plains Water Allocation Plan

The Adelaide Plains Water Allocation Plan became operational on 1 July 2022. The plan sets out the rules for taking and using groundwater and the management of wells in the Northern Adelaide Plains, Central Adelaide and Dry Creek Prescribed Wells Areas in accordance with the Landscape South Australia Act 2019.

For more information

The Green Adelaide Board leads the maintenance and review of this plan, in collaboration with the Hills and Fleurieu and Northern and Yorke Landscape Boards. Please connect with us or Green Adelaide if you would like to understand more about the plan.

Water Licensing

The Department for Environment and Water implements the rules of the plan through managing water licensing. For more information, including obtaining allocations and/or transferring or varying licences in the Central Adelaide Prescribed Wells Area, contact Water Licensing on 8595 2053 or visit the Department for Environment and Water website.