What can we achieve together?
We are working to create a region recognised internationally for its resilient and beautiful landscapes, cared for through whole-of-community stewardship. There is much to do and we need to work together.
If your organisation has a stake in a sustainable future for the Hills and Fleurieu Region and sees alignment with what we are trying to achieve, we’d love to discuss how we can collaborate.
As outlined in the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Plan 2021-26, the board has an interest in helping address a range of regional challenges that will require concerted collaborative effort at scale. As examples of specific issues that require a partnership approach, we are keen to work with others to help:
- Increase and build sustainable finance models for biodiversity protection and habitat restoration at scale
- Increase First Nations capacity to meaningfully access and care for country
- Foster widespread uptake of integrated/regenerative land management
- Develop a regenerative regional food system incorporating circular, zero-carbon and nature positive principles.
- Building social and ecological climate resilience commensurate with model projections
- Increase nature-based volunteering and community nature connection
We partner with all levels of government, not for profits and industry groups, volunteer organisations and the region’s First Nation custodians.
Contact us via hf.landscapeboard@sa.gov.au