Pest plant and animal management
Pest animals and plants can pose significant threats to agriculture, the natural environment and public health and safety in the Hills and Fleurieu region. The Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board works closely with the community to help reduce the number of pests, restore native biodiversity and reduce losses in the agricultural industry.
Regional Pest Strategy
The Hills and Fleurieu Regional Pest Plant and Animal Strategy provides high level guidance to all land managers and points to which species Landscapes Hills and Fleurieu intends to focus on and why.
Pest plants are weeds that must be managed as they can have significant impacts on industries and the environment.
Pest animals
There are 56 species of pest animals in Australia, which have significant environmental and economic impacts.
Marine pests
Marine pests are invasive species that are not native to our Australian marine environment.
On-farm biosecurity
Learn how to boost your on-farm biosecurity