ReBird the Ranges

The Mount Lofty Ranges has one of the highest concentrations of threatened woodland bird species in Australia. Sixty-seven species are declining.

These birds are an important indicator of the health of our landscapes.

Landscapes Hills and Fleurieu, through funding from the state government and the regional landscape levy is working with an alliance of environmental organisations, university and government partners to tackle the challenge.

The ReBird the Ranges alliance is delivering key outcomes including:

  • Revegetation of low-rainfall grassy woodland in priority areas of the eastern Mount Lofty Ranges, to support the diamond firetail, hooded robin, restless flycatcher, jacky winter, southern whiteface, chestnut-rumped thornbill and brown treecreeper
  • Revegetation of heathland in Deep Creek on the Fleurieu Peninsula to support the western beautiful firetail, Mount Lofty Ranges chestnut-rumped heathwren and Mount Lofty Ranges southern emu-wren
  • The development of a regional action plan
  • Landholder surveys and interviews to understand barriers to restoration
  • Communications and partnership activities to motivate and provide pathways for community action.

Restoration work will be focused in the areas where these species are still persisting, with the existing habitat being expanded to support the populations to increase.

A groundswell of community interest and involvement in the revegetation work is a key focus, most of which will be undertaken on private properties with the support of dedicated landholders.

ReBird the Ranges
The chestnut-rumped thornbill, diamond firetail, and hooded robin are three of the species declinging in the Mount Lofty Ranges

ReBird the Ranges alliance partners:

ReBird the Ranges