Marine parks

To help protect our native species and the beautiful marine environment they call home, South Australia created a system of marine parks as an investment in the state’s future. Within them, sanctuary zones were created and are important for conservation. They do not allow mining, dredging, aquaculture or trawling. Fishing within these sanctuary zones was phased out on 1 October 2014 to give marine animals places to retreat for breeding, caring for young and growing to adulthood. It also provides opportunities for nature-based tourism, education and research.

Marine park sanctuary zones were designed to avoid popular recreational fishing areas, and access to jetties, boat ramps and popular beaches isn't affected. The sanctuary zones only take up six per cent of South Australian waters, leaving plenty of places to wet a line.

The region is home to the Encounter Marine Park. It offers some of Australia’s best-preserved ocean wilderness, from amazing dive sites and spectacular reefs to vitally important fish breeding and shelter areas. Remember that all vessels must keep a distance of 300m from any marine mammal within the Encounter Bay whale calving and nursery area.

More information

Marine Parks

(08) 8124 4900