Educational resources

Educational resources

Handy identification charts

Some of these resources have been adapted from Green Adelaide publications - Landscapes Hills and Fleurieu gratefully acknowledges them.


Monitoring is the process of observing and keeping records of change in something over time. Photopoint monitoring is a simple, yet effective method used to record physical changes at a given location over time. It involves the repeat photography of a fixed area of interest from a fixed ‘photopoint’ at time intervals. Photopoint monitoring can be used to track short term changes, such as when demonstrating work undertaken or the impacts of an extreme event. It is also used to track long term changes resulting from management actions or changes in the environmental conditions.
Download the photopoint monitoring guide and factsheet here.

Planning for revegetation basic flow charts

Green Adelaide offers a suite of professional development opportunities for school teachers involved in Nature Education.

In order to access further educational support, you may like to: