Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act) provides members of the public a legally enforceable right of access (subject to certain restrictions) to documents held by government.
The purpose of the FOI Act is to promote openness in government and accountability of Ministers of the Crown and other government agencies to enhance respect for the law and further the good government of the State. It is also to facilitate more effective participation by members of the public in the processes involved in the making and administration of laws and policies.
The Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board (the board) fully supports the objectives and spirit of the FOI Act.
The FOI Act allows members of the public to:
- request access to documents held by the board
- request the amendment of documents that contain personal information about the applicant which is incomplete, incorrect, out-of-date or misleading.
A comprehensive introduction to freedom of information can be found on the State Records website. Information in relation to the documents held by the board is available in this Freedom of Information statement.
Making an application
In accordance with the FOI Act, applications for access to documents held by an agency must:
- be made in writing; you may choose to write a letter, email or use the FOI application form
- specify that the application is made under the FOI Act
- be accompanied by an application fee, see details below
- pensioners or health card holders and other financially disadvantaged applicants can apply for a reduction in fees, including the application fee. Please provide supporting evidence of your concession card with your application. If you seek a reduction in fees due to financial disadvantage, please phone the Freedom of Information Officer on (08) 8273 9100.
- specify an address in Australia to which information can be sent
- clearly identify the documents being sought and the matter to which they pertain
- specify whether the documents being sought contain information of a personal nature
- specify the desired type of access to the document, such as a copy of the document or inspection of the document at an arranged location.
Fees and charges
The FOI Act provides that agencies can calculate fees and charges for the processing of FOI applications in relation to finding, sorting, compiling and copying documents and undertaking any consultation required under the FOI.
For the current list of fees associated with processing FOI applications in South Australia, please refer to the Freedom of Information (fees and charges) Regulations 2003.
A cheque or money order for the amount of the application fee must be forwarded to the Freedom of Information Officer when submitting an FOI application. To arrange a payment via credit card or Electronic Funds Transfer, please contact the Freedom of Information Officer on phone (08) 8273 9100.
Applications or enquiries
Applications or enquiries regarding access to documents and policies, or amendment of personal records, should be addressed to:
The Freedom of Information Officer, Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board, Corner Mann & Walker St, Mt Barker SA 5251
Or emailed to:
Find out about your rights to review a determination.
More information
For more information on how to make a Freedom of Information application please visit State Records of South Australia or phone the Freedom of Information Officer on (08) 8391 7500
Disclosure log
Date of determination | Agency reference | Application summary | Copy of or link to document (or advice about how to access document) |
20/12/2024 | HFLB-D00530 | Transferred from DEW - A copy of all records and data changes of Dam Source ID:5022228 in time period 28/11/2019 - 28/11/2024 | Please contact HFLB Executive Officer for access to this document. |
20/12/2024 | HFLB-D000529 | A copy of all documents and records (including but not limited to; Coordinates, images, emails, letters, agendas and minutes) in relation to Dam Source ID: 5022228 and the s107(1) order issued. | Please contact HFLB Executive Officer for access to this document. |