Volunteer opportunities
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Together we can make a difference.
Find the right opportunity for you...
Discover environmental community groups across Australia with the National Landcare Directory.
Search Volunteering SA to find an opportunity just right for you.
Become a community scientist in your own backyard by exploring the Australian Citizen Science Project Finder.
But wait, there's more...
Take a look at these short videos showcasing some of the great work volunteers have done:
Within community-run natural resource centresyou will find hubs of education and sustainability, and they are also great places to volunteer and connect with others.
Benefits of volunteering
Volunteer Bus Tour
Landcare volunteering
Volunteering with the Friends of Hindmarsh River Estuary Group
Crag Care Grassroots Grant
Hooded plover conservation with dedicated volunteers
Keep up to date
We also have a Facebook page, which provides regular updates and information of interest to volunteers.