
Nature does amazing things for people, and people can do amazing things for nature.

Volunteering can enrich your life with friends, skills, connections and the simple joy of giving back.

People who volunteer are happier, healthier and even have better sleep. More than 21 per cent of South Australians volunteer each year, the highest of any Australian state.

Follow your passion

Whether it's trees or people, frogs or native plants, there's a volunteer opportunity to match your passion. The best part is, volunteering is flexible. You can help out informally at an event, or pursue an ongoing role with a group or organization. Perhaps you're an admin or marketing whiz, or more interested in getting your hands dirty.

Whatever your age, skill level, interest and level of availability, it's easy to make volunteering work for you.

Meet like-minded people

Volunteering brings fresh faces into your life, offering the opportunity to connect with a variety of people with similar interests.

Gain new skills, experiences and training

Volunteering helps you gain skills and experience. What better way to learn about native plants, research dolphins or learn how to live more sustainably - all for the main price of your time?

As well as that, volunteering looks great on your resume, improves your professional skill set and can get you seen by future employers.

If you're keen to get involved but aren't sure where to start, you'll find plenty of ideas and inspiration here.

Keep up to date

Follow us on Facebook page for volunteering opportunities, environmental stories, volunteer achievements, events, grants, training and more.