Rejuvenate your dam
Maintaining, and looking after or restoring your dam is an important part of land management. They can become havens for wildlife, and a valuable asset to store water for livestock or agriculture.
The resources below will help you learn about the native plants that are best for your dam/wetland and how to identify the animals that use this important habitat. Find out about fencing your dam and how to care for dams or creeklines to reduce bushfire risk.
The links at the bottom of the page will connect you with great tips on how you can return water to the environment, what to be aware of when planning a water affecting activity, and how to undertake routine safety inspections on your dam.
Useful resources
- How to install a dam syphon system
- Water plants of the Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu
- Caring for your creeklines to reduce bushfire risk
- Benefits to livestock of fencing dams - Factsheet
- Dam fencing layout - Diagram
- Fencing farm dams to reduce methane emissions - Research paper abstract
- Toxic water risk to livestock - ABC article
- Native aquatic plants in the Mt Lofty Ranges - Brochure
- Revegetation guide - Brochure
- Sedge and rush planting guide - Factsheet
- Bat box design - Factsheet
- Common frogs of the Hills and Fleurieu - Factsheet
- Common frogs of the Hills and Fleurieu - ID chart
See our videos about rejuvenating and fencing your dam below: