Draft Landscape Plan open for feedback

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Community feedback is being invited on a draft five –year Landscape Plan for the Hills and Fleurieu region. The Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board, established in July last year, prepared the plan to guide management of land, water, pests and biodiversity across the Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula.

Community feedback is being invited on a draft five-year Landscape Plan for the Hills and Fleurieu region.

The Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board, established in July last year, prepared the plan to guide management of land, water, pests and biodiversity across the Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula.

Comments on the draft Landscape Plan can be made at yoursay.sa.gov.au.

Board chair David Greenhough said the plan sets out a vision for protecting the uniquely biodiverse and productive landscapes of the region.

“In scoping this plan, we consulted widely with our stakeholders and community through meetings, public forums and a survey,” he said.

“People told us there was a need for urgent action to reverse declines in species and ecological communities. We were also told about the importance of supporting producers and landholders to manage their land in a sustainable way, to maximise both economic and ecological benefits,” he said.

Draft Landscape Plan open for feedback

The plan identifies five priorities: Land, Water, Nature, Climate and Community, with Focus Areas for action and Strategies spelling out how these broad priorities will be achieved.

A central theme of the plan is pursuing action on the priorities in an integrated and collaborative way. As Mr Greenhough explained "the challenges faced by the region require whole of community effort. The plan captures strategies needed across the region to protect and restore our landscapes. Whether it be working with First Nations, industry groups, volunteers, schools and tourism and agri-businesses - we need to work together and bring in new stakeholders to multiply our efforts.

“The community called on the board to tackle issues like climate change and integrated management of agriculture and nature – but also not lose sight of the essentials, like pest animal and weed management. The board will play a strong role in building new partnerships and championing those who are innovating with the region’s long-term health in mind.

“After receiving great feedback in our forums last year, as well as hundreds of survey responses, we’re excited to show how we’ve incorporated people’s ideas and suggestions. This will be the final round of comments before we finalise the plan and get moving with its implementation,” Mr Greenhough said.

The Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board was established in July 2020, following the introduction of the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 which replaced the former NaturalResources Management Act 2004. The new Hills and Fleurieu landscape management region runs from Kersbrook to Cape Jervis, and from the Lower Gulf St Vincent across to the Murray Mouth and Langhorne Creek.

The draft plan is available for comment until April 15, at yoursay.sa.gov.au, or email comments and feedback to hf.landscapeboard@sa.gov.au

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