Future water security

Water resources on Eyre Peninsula are precious and need to be managed sustainably. This includes watercourses, lakes, dams, wetlands and watercourse habitat, springs, soaks, and catchment landscapes. Some activities can have adverse impacts on the health and condition of water resources, the ecosystems that depend on them, as well as on downstream and other water users. Our Water Affecting Activity Control Policy sets out the principles for managing water infrastructure and water take.

Considerable forethought and planning is required to collect and move water across a farm effectively. There are many things to consider. From the shared experience of farmers and experts, find out about some of the things to consider.

Case studies

Find out all you need to know about the legalities and permits required for water on your property on our water affecting activities page.

We also provide a free salinity water testing service and recommends that water sources such as bores, dams and wells are salinity tested twice a year.