Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board

The Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board works with community, industry, and other government agencies to sustainably manage our region's natural resources, with an emphasis on protection and restoration of our soil, water management, biodiversity, and pest plant and animal control.

Our goal is to create positive and meaningful change that will deliver sustainable environmental and productivity benefits for our region. Through proactive conservation, collaborative partnerships and innovative solutions, we strive to safeguard our natural heritage and productive landscapes while empowering our local communities to ensure a thriving environment for generations to come.

Landscapes SA

There are nine landscape management regions in South Australia, governed by eight landscape boards and a metropolitan board.

Landscape boards consist of seven members, including a chair. All members have been appointed by the Minister.

The boards work alongside community members and stakeholders to develop simple and accessible five-year regional landscape plans with five priorities. The plans aims to ensure that there is a balance between the needs of regional communities and the sustainable management of the environment.

Other key functions include development of water allocation plans for prescribed water resources, where applicable, and operating as the relevant authority for a range of water, land protection and animal and plant control activities.

Our members

Meet our board members. Read a profile of each of our community based board members.

EP Landscape Board meetings

The Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board hold meetings regularly. Members of the community are welcome to attend as observers. If you would like to attend or make a presentation at any of the upcoming meetings, please contact ep.landscapeboard@sa.gov.au.

Next meeting

Meeting #27 of the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25 in Ceduna.

All meetings of the Board are open to the public and members of the community are welcome to attend.

Community members wanting to attend the meeting must notify the Board of their intention to attend at least 24 hours before the meeting. To register to attend, please email ep.landscapeboard@sa.gov.au.

Upcoming 2025 meetings
  • Tuesday, February 25 in Ceduna
  • Tuesday, April 29 in Whyalla
  • Tuesday, June 24 in Kimba
  • Tuesday, August 26 in Elliston
  • Tuesday, November 26 in Tumby Bay
Former EP Natural Resources Management Board meetings

As of 1 July 2020, the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board (EPNRMB) was replaced by the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board. The last meeting of the EPNRM Board was held on 22 June 2020.

The EPNRM Board meeting minutes are available on request. Annual reports for the EPNRM Board are available.