Landscape levy
The regional landscape levy (previously known as the NRM levy) is paid by all ratepayers across South Australia – recognising that all landowners are responsible for sustaining and managing our state’s landscapes for the benefit of all community members.
It’s not a new levy, but it has been improved to help fund the state’s regional landscape boards (previously known as Natural Resource Management boards).
Regional landscape levies are raised by the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board to fund projects and programs to enable landholders, industry and the community to be directly responsible for sustainably managing their region’s landscapes with an emphasis on land and water management, biodiversity and pest animal and plant control.
To read more about what the levies fund please read this year's Business Plan.
What is the landscape levy used for?
Your landscape levy helps to fund the delivery of activities across the Eyre Peninsula in line with our regional landscape planning framework. The work focuses on the priority areas of water, sustainable agriculture, pest plants and animals, biodiversity and community. The landscape levy is also used to attract significant state and federal funding into the region.
If you would like to know more about what your levy is used for, please have a read through our Achievement Reports. You can also subscribe to our quarterly newsletter for regular updates.
Who pays the landscape levy?
The annual landscape levy is paid by the owners of rateable land in the region and appears on council rate notices. Everyone who lives and works in the region has an impact on the environment. We all share a responsibility to take care of our land, water, native animals and plants, and ecosystems.
How is the landscape levy calculated?
Your regional landscape levy is a fixed rate per rateable property, which varies depending on whether your land is used for residential, primary production, commercial or industrial purposes. Further additional information about the levy can be found in our Business Plan.
More information
- See our two-page factsheet about the landscape levy for more information.
- Read our levy information brochure.
More information
Manager Planning and Business Support
86 Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln
8688 3200