Supporting WAP documents

This page provides documents closely linked to the Water Allocation Plan (WAP) for the Southern Basins and Musgrave Prescribed Wells Areas. Many additional supporting science documents relating to water resources on Eyre Peninsula can be found on the WaterConnect website including important documents such as: Science support for the Musgrave and Southern Basins Prescribed Wells Area Water Allocation Plan, Additional science support for the Eyre Peninsula Water Application Plan.

Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement Plan

The Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement (MERI) Plan for the Southern Basins & Musgrave Prescribed Wells Areas Water Allocation Plan can be downloaded here.

The MERI Plan presents design and implementation principles aimed at measuring and assessing hydrogeological, ecological and water use parameters for Eyre Peninsula’s Prescribed Wells Areas, while also assessing the effectiveness of the Water Allocation Plan (WAP) in meeting its objectives.

Guide and frequently asked questions

Watch our video which provides an overview of how the Water Allocation Plan was written.

Supporting documents

More information

Landscape Operations Manager

Port Lincoln

8688 3200