Supporting WAP documents
This page provides documents closely linked to the Water Allocation Plan (WAP) for the Southern Basins and Musgrave Prescribed Wells Areas. Many additional supporting science documents relating to water resources on Eyre Peninsula can be found on the WaterConnect website including important documents such as: Science support for the Musgrave and Southern Basins Prescribed Wells Area Water Allocation Plan, Additional science support for the Eyre Peninsula Water Application Plan.
Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement Plan
The Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement (MERI) Plan for the Southern Basins & Musgrave Prescribed Wells Areas Water Allocation Plan can be downloaded here.
The MERI Plan presents design and implementation principles aimed at measuring and assessing hydrogeological, ecological and water use parameters for Eyre Peninsula’s Prescribed Wells Areas, while also assessing the effectiveness of the Water Allocation Plan (WAP) in meeting its objectives.
Guide and frequently asked questions
Watch our video which provides an overview of how the Water Allocation Plan was written.
- A Guide to the Water Allocation Plan Southern Basins and Musgrave Prescribed Wells Areas, Eyre Peninsula.
- Water Users’ Frequently Asked Questions about the new Water Allocation Plan.
Supporting documents
- The WAP was also showcased in March 2022 at the International Conference on Water Resources Management and Sustainability: Solutions for Arid Regions. DEW representatives were included in the Australia delegation to promote water practices. This is a summary of the WAP presentation.
- Department for Water (2011) Eyre Peninsula Demand and Supply Statement, Department for Water, Government of South Australia.
- Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (2013) Eyre Peninsula Water Demand and Supply Statement, Government of South Australia.
- Doeg T, Muller KL, Nicol J, and VanLaarhoven J (2012). Environmental Water Requirements of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in the Musgrave and Southern Basins Prescribed Wells Areas on the Eyre Peninsula. Technical Report DFW 2012/16, Department for Water, Government of South Australia.
- Jacobs (2015) A Risk-Based Approach to Determining Consumptive and Aquifer Maintenance Pools.
- Ordens et al. (2011) Groundwater recharge to a sedimentary aquifer in the topographically closed Uley South Basin, South Australia.
- Sinclair Knight Merz (2010) Eyre Peninsula Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Scoping Study. Sinclair Knight Merz, Adelaide, South Australia.
- Stewart (2015) Supporting documentation - amendment of the Water Allocation Plan for the Southern Basins and Musgrave PWAs, DEWNR technical report 2015/18.
- Stewart S (2013). Additional Science Support for the Eyre Peninsula Water Allocation Plan, Technical Report 2013/19, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia.
- Stewart S, Alcoe D, and Risby L (2012). Science Support for the Musgrave and Southern Basins Prescribed Wells Areas Water Allocation Plan, DFW Technical Report 2012/15, Department for Water, Government of South Australia.