Native plants

Our native vegetation is important for controlling salinity, erosion, water quality, providing habitat for our amazing wildlife, aesthetics and cultural values.

Native plants are best suited to our local soils and climate, and play an important role in many of our ecosystem services. We can help retain the integrity of our local vegetation by using native species when revegetating. Learn more about revegetation in our factsheet.

At least 40 plant species are endemic to Eyre Peninsula (occurs nowhere else in the world). These include a number of wattles such as the Alcock’s Wattle, Chalky Wattle, Whibley’s Wattle, Koppio Wattle and Flat-leaved Wattle. The West Coast Mintbush is one of several mintbush species that occurs only on Eyre Peninsula. Five eucalypt species only found on Eyre Peninsula include the Darke Peak Mallee, the Cummins Mallee, the Eyre Peninsula Blue Gum and the Crimson (or Port Lincoln) Mallee.

Forty-three percent of our plants have regional conservation significance which means that unless we change our management practices and address the threats that face these species, we will lose them (they will become extinct).

We have four vegetation communities on Eyre Peninsula that are nationally threatened:

  • The Southern Temperate Coastal Saltmarsh (see factsheet)
  • Peppermint Box (Eucalyptus odorata)
  • Grassy Woodland of SA, Drooping Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) Grassy Woodland on Calcrete of the Eyre Yorke Block Bioregion (read more)
  • The Eyre Peninsula Blue Gum communities (see factsheet)

We also closely monitoring Red gum communities as part of our groundwater monitoring program associated with the Water Allocation Plan - read more about it here.

Further information about some of these plants


Chalky wattle

Name: Chalky wattle
Scientific name: Acacia cretacea
Regional status: Endangered
Related links:

Fat-leaved wattle

Name: Fat-leaved wattle
Scientific name: Acacia pingulfolia |
Regional status: Threatened

Resin wattle

Name: Resin wattle
Scientific name: Acacia rhetinocarpa
Regional status: Threatened

Whibleys wattle

Name: Whibleys wattle
Scientific name: Acacia whibleyana
Regional status: Threatened
Related links: Read about our work on regenerating Whibley seedlings.

Other species

Bead samphire

Name: Bead samphire
Scientific name: Tecticornia flabelliformis
Regional status: Threatened
Related links: Read about how we are protecting samphire under our STAR project.

Ironstone Mulla Mulla

Name: Ironstone Mulla Mulla
Scientific name: Ptilotus beckerianus
Regional status: Threatened

Prickly raspwort

Name: Prickly raspwort
Scientific name: Haloragis eyreana
Regional status: Endangered

Silver daisy bush

Name: Silver daisy bush
Scientific name: Olearia pannosa ssp pannossa
Regional status: Threatened
Related links: See silver daisies near Cleve that our landscape team visited in September 2020.

Tufted bush-pea

Name: Tufted bush-pea
Scientific name: Pultenaea trichophylla
Regional status: Threatened

West Coast mintbush

Name: West Coast mintbush
Scientific name: Prostanthera calycina
Regional status: Threatened