Native plants and animals

Eyre Peninsula is home to 511 native animals and 1900 native plant species. We have already lost nine native animal species and three plants species. These plants and animals, with soil fungi and microbes, makes up our biodiversity. Find out more about our native plants and animals.

What is biodiversity?

The diversity of living things on Eyre Peninsula is significant and valuable. Biodiversity provides us with a range of ‘ecological services’ we tend to take for granted (like air, clean fresh water, insect control, pollination services and healthy soils) as well as having cultural, aesthetic and spiritual values.

Our biodiversity faces threats from native vegetation clearance, vegetation in declining condition and habitat fragmentation, salinity, introduced species, human disturbance, grazing, chemical pollution, erosion and climate change.

Some of our native plants and animals on Eyre Peninsula are endemic (occurs nowhere else in the world). In many cases Eyre Peninsula is the western limit in a range of eastern species, and the eastern limit for western species.

We aim to conserve biodiversity at the landscape scale to minimise these threats and eventually increase biodiversity and the health of our environment.

Coastal Fauna and Habitats of the Western Eyre Peninsula - a field guide for the west coast

Coastal Fauna and Habitats of the Western Eyre Peninsula by Hannah Ling and James McGregor, highlights the native vegetation communities and wildlife species found on our West Coast. The guide profiles the majority of the native species people are likely to encounter within this unique coastal environment. A great resource for students, visitors, landholders and community members.

The guide includes full colour images, text and mapping of major habitat types.

This publication was sponsored by the Australian Government, Government of South Australia Department of Environment, Water & Natural Resources (DEWNR) and BP.

You can download all four sections for free:

Find out more on the Greening Australia website.

Native Vegetation of the Eyre Peninsula field guide

Do you know someone who is interested in local plants? We have copies of our Native Vegetation of the Eyre Peninsula book ready to be sold from our Port Lincoln office. The book is a field guide to native revegetation communities, plant species and environmental weeds of the EP.

The $45 book can be purchased from our Port Lincoln office at 86 Tasman Tce via cash, eftpos or cheque. Please call us on 8688 3200 to arrange a time to purchase or call us on that number when you get to the office.

Native plants and animals