
Don’t let your hungry livestock eat away your precious soil cover pasture. There is huge potential to improve the profitability of livestock enterprises through improved grazing management while maintaining and enhancing the soil resource that these enterprises rely upon.

Find tips from local farmers who’ve trialled the paddock rotations and subtly changed the watering points to great effect. We have also compiled a range of resources about grazing.

Case studies

This Improving Feed Utilisation booklet contains a number of successful case studies about improving feed utilisation (including some of those listed above). They have demonstrated that gains can be made by making better use of paddock feed. Sub-dividing paddocks using flexible fencing systems enables more even grazing across all paddocks and within paddocks and helps prevent the “baring out” of areas favoured by livestock. The demonstration sites detailed in the booklet have shown that there are many ways to improve feed utilisation while protecting soil.

Other resources

Electric fencing

Using electric fencing can be a useful management tool for grazing.

This fact sheet from SARDI is titled temporary electric fencing tips.

Case studies