Regenerative Agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture is all about protecting and enhancing our precious topsoil by regenerating five key landscape functions. These include the solar energy function, the water cycle function, the soil-mineral cycle, dynamic ecosystems and the human - social function.
In practice, this looks like:
- Reducing soil disturbance through no-till agricultural practices.
- Keeping vegetation cover on the soil (green growing cover is most effective).
- Keeping living roots in the soil as much as possible.
- Creating as much diversity in soil biology, perennial pasture species and native vegetation as possible.
- Integrating grazing animals into the farming system on a rotational grazing basis and reducing inputs (eg fertiliser, herbicides) where possible.
These webpages are dedicated to regenerative agriculture information, videos, links and resources and case studies to assist landholders to gain access to the information required to apply these principles on their properties.
Regenerative Agriculture Case Studies
Learn from six local farmers who are already applying regenerative agriculture principles on their properties
Regenerative Agriculture Videos
Check out some of our recent videos featuring regenerative agriculture practices
Regenerative Agriculture Farmer Groups
Join your nearest regenerative agriculture farmers group
Regenerative Agriculture Links and Resources
Find regenerative agriculture books, podcasts and websites here
Regenerative Agriculture Talks
Tune in to video talks and forums by experts in the Regen Ag field
World Soil Day videos
Watch the presentations from our World Soil Day event - 'Where food begins'