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Hills & Fleurieu
Open menu
About us
Who are we?
About our region
Map of the Hills and Fleurieu region
Our Services
Our leadership team
About your board
Board Meetings
Meet your board
Our plans and funding
Landscape Plan 2021-2026
Business Plan
Monitoring framework
Regional Pest Strategy
Landscape and water levies
Freedom of Information
Our Achievements
Achievements Reports
Annual Reports
Landscape condition and trends
Projects and Partnerships
Fire recovery and management
Regional Grazing Pressure Management
Managing declared weeds on roadsides
Mount Lofty Ranges Water Allocation Plans Review and Amendment
Water affecting activities
Water planning
Water calculator
Low-flows for water ecosystem health
Regional biodiversity
Back from the Brink
Coastal Action Plan review
Seeds for Snapper
Our Plover Coast
Hooded plover project
ReBird the Ranges
First Nations partnerships
Grassroots Grants
Volunteer resources and information
Climate change in the region
Net zero emissions project
Preparation for extreme weather events
Carbon Farming Outreach Program
Weather Station Network
Past projects
Back from the Brink 2018-2023
National Landcare Program Video Series
Bandicoot Superhighway project
Southern bell frog recovery
Healthy Soils, Healthy Landscapes
Wildlife for wine
Aboriginal knowledge and values of the Fleurieu swamps
Get involved
What can we achieve together?
Partnership opportunities
Upcoming events
Volunteer Support
Volunteer opportunities
Map of community groups
Citizen Science
Waterbug BioBlitz
FrogWatch SA
Living Lightly Locally
Birdlife Australia Birdata
Microbat Monitoring
Echidna CSI
iNaturalist Flora and Fauna
Wild Orchid Watch
Mozzie Monitors
Feral Scan
Grants and funding
Grassroots Grants
GreenSafe Grants
RDA Adelaide Hills & Coast Grant Finder
Coast Protection Board Grants
Educational resources
ID Charts and monitoring information
Media and Newsletters
News and media
Latest news
Our Newsletters
Read our latest newsletters
Subscribe to our newsletters
Subscribe to Groundswell or Stewardship News
Stewardship Program
Understand your responsibilities as a land manager
Pest plants and animals
Legislative responsibilities (Landscape Act)
Other legislative responsibilities
Create a plan for managing natural assets
Prepare a Property Plan
Connect with service providers and volunteer groups
Connect to First Nations heritage and knowledge
Care for native vegetation & undertake reveg
Care for existing vegetation
Undertake revegetation
Access support
Care for watercourses, wetlands and dams
Managing watercourses & wetlands
Manage your dam
Care for soils
Information on soil health
Regenerative agriculture groups and information
Managing livestock
Grants and funding
Grassroots Grants
RDA Adelaide Hills & Coast Grant Finder
Coast Protection Board Grants
Contact a Stewardship Officer
Contact us
Understand your responsibilities as a land manager
Pest plants and animals
Pest animals
Feral deer
Feral deer in the Hills and Fleurieu
Managing feral deer on your property
Report a deer sighting
Join the feral deer eradication program
Feral deer regional plans, programs and fact sheets
Feral goats
Feral rabbits
Managing wild rabbits on your property
Rabbit management information sessions
Access baits for rabbit control
Rabbit management FAQs
Feral Scan
Marine pests
On-farm biosecurity
Managing declared weeds on roadsides
Feral Scan
Legislative responsibilities (Landscape Act)
The Landscape Act (2019)
Water Affecting Activities
Other legislative responsibilities
Create a plan for managing natural assets
Prepare a Property Plan
Nature Maps
Connect with service providers and volunteer groups
Map of community groups
Citizen Science
Connect to First Nations heritage and knowledge
Care for native vegetation & undertake reveg
Care for existing vegetation
Native vegetation management
Undertake revegetation
Revegetation Guide
Site selection and preparation
Protecting your plants with tree guards or fencing
How to plant like a pro
When to water
Planting around creeks and dams
Planting shelterbelts and windbreaks
Native plant species list
Local native plant nursery list
Native plant species lists
Local native plant nursery list
Native plant species lists
Access support
Map of community groups
Care for watercourses, wetlands and dams
Managing watercourses & wetlands
Managing creeks and watercourses
Managing swamps and wetlands
First Nations swamp values and management
Water Affecting Activities
Manage your dam
Dam safety and maintenance
Rejuvenate your dam
Dam Safety and maintenance
Water Affecting Activities
Low-flows for water ecosystem health
Water Affecting Activities
Care for soils
Information on soil health
Managing soil and pastures
Dung Beetle Benefits
World Soil Day videos
Soil health and regenerative agriculture talks
Regenerative agriculture groups and information
Regenerative Agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture Case Studies
Geoff Stuckey at Kyeema
Alistair Just at Sellicks Hill
Derek Walter at Willow Creek
Jim Natt at Langhorne Creek
Tim Modra at Petwood
Ken Woods and Annabel Walsh at Woodside
Rob Malone and Pamela Wright at Second Valley
Regenerative Agriculture Videos
Regenerative Agriculture Farmer Groups
Regenerative Agriculture Links and Resources
Regenerative Agriculture Talks
World Soil Day videos
Managing livestock
Managing horses
Grants and funding
Grassroots Grants
RDA Adelaide Hills & Coast Grant Finder
Coast Protection Board Grants
Contact a Stewardship Officer
Stewardship Program
Care for soils
Regenerative agriculture groups and information
Regenerative Agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture Videos
Regenerative Agriculture Videos
Healthy Soils, Healthy Landscapes
Regenerative Enterprises Highlights
Regenerative Agriculture principles on Tumbelin Farm
Introduction to Dung Beetles
Beneficial insects
Case Study - Derek Walter at Willow Creek
Case Study - Ken Woods at Woodside
Case Study - Jim Natt at Langhorne Creek
Case Study - Geoff Stuckey at Kyeema
Case Study - Alistair Just at Sellicks Hill
Case Study - Tim Modra at Petwood