Native vegetation management

Native vegetation plays a vital role in the health and prosperity of South Australia's ecosystems, communities and natural resource-based industries. Less than 30 percent of native vegetation remains in South Australia's agricultural areas, with some regions lower than 10 per cent.

Consider some of the known valuable services that native vegetation delivers:

  • prevents deterioration in stream water quality
  • reduces soil salinity
  • reduces the effects of floods
  • habitat for natural predators of many farming pests
  • habitat for pollinators
  • landscape barrier for disease control
  • acts as a carbon sink
  • stock wind breaks
  • cultural identity
  • habitat for our native flora and fauna species
  • recreational amenity

Major threats to native vegetation in South Australia include clearance, climate change, poor water management, inappropriate fire regimes, urban development, invasive weeds and grazing.

To ensure the ongoing preservation of what remains of our native vegetation, the Native Vegetation Act 1991 protects native vegetation in our state and only allows clearance that falls within the exemptions listed in the Native Vegetation Regulations 2003 or by application to the Native Vegetation Council. A state map (and 12 sub maps) showing where the Act applies can be found on the EnviroData website - just click on the 'downloads' tab.

It is important to note that clearance involves any type of killing, destruction, removal or severing of native vegetation. This includes grazing, burning, flooding, draining, trimming, harvesting or any other activity causing substantial damage to native vegetation.

The Department for Environment and Water administers several native vegetation incentive schemes to support landholders.

Native vegetation management

Find out more on the Department for Environment and Water website:

  • Enquiring about Property development, Property Interest Reports (PIR)
    • Phone (08) 8303 9412 to discuss.