Feral deer regional plans, programs and fact sheets

Across the Hills and Fleurieu, several programs and plans focus on managing and eradicating feral deer.

These initiatives all work together to reduce the environmental and economic impacts of feral deer while helping landholders meet their responsibilities under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 to eliminate feral deer on their properties.

Feral deer regional plans, programs and fact sheets
South Australian Feral Deer Eradication Program

South Australia is implementing an eradication program to assist landholders and to eliminate the impacts feral deer have on primary industries, the environment and public safety by 2032.

Feral deer regional plans, programs and fact sheets
Greater Adelaide Peri-Urban Feral Deer Eradication Program

This plan focuses on the eradication feral deer from the Greater Adelaide Peri-Urban Zone by 2032, by tailoring collaborative strategies across complex landscapes of diverse property sizes, communities and land uses.

Feral deer regional plans, programs and fact sheets
Regional Grazing Pressure Management Program

This program outlines a coordinated strategy to reduce grazing pressure from feral goats, deer, and over-abundant western grey kangaroos in the Hills and Fleurieu region. Funded by the Landscape Levy, it focuses on controlling these declared pests to minimise their impacts in key areas.

Feral deer regional plans, programs and fact sheets
Hills and Fleurieu Regional Pest Plant and Animal Strategy

The Hills and Fleurieu Regional Pest Plant and Animal Strategy prioritizes pest management in the region. By establishing shared responsibilities and objectives, the strategy ensures that everyone can work together to protect our agricultural, environmental, and cultural assets.