Contact us

Kangaroo Island Landscape Board

35 Dauncey Street, Kingscote, SA, 5223
Phone: +61 08 8553 2476

Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm

Provide feedback

Please take some time to send in your feedback (good or bad). Please indicate on the form if you would like a response from one of our staff.
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Feedback may also be lodged in person, by telephone on (08) 8553 2476 or in writing to Kangaroo Island Landscape Board, 35 Dauncey St, Kingscote SA 5223.

If you require assistance to make a complaint, the following services are available:

- the National Relay Service provides a phone service for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment: click here to access

- the Interpreting and Translating Centre provides interpreting and translating services: click here to access