Kangaroo Island Landscape Board

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Your Kangaroo Island Landscape Board

The Kangaroo Island Landscape Board (the Board) was established on 1 July 2020 under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 to facilitate the sustainable management of Kangaroo Island’s natural resources, and to promote the formation of long-term and meaningful partnerships to better manage the island’s landscapes.

The Board consists of eight members appointed by the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water, including the chair, Andrew (Aphid) Heinrich.

The Board's vision is: Nurturing Kangaroo Island's landscapes together to create a thriving, sustainable future.

The Kangaroo Island Landscape Board held their first official formal meeting on Wednesday 24 June 2020 and continues to meet regularly in the Boardroom, 35 Dauncey Street, Kangaroo Island.

Future meetings can be found here.

If you would like to attend or make a presentation at any of the upcoming meetings, please contact ki.landscapeboard@sa.gov.au or phone (08) 8553 2476.

For more information visit www.landscape.sa.gov.au

Our members

This Board is a group of local farmers and ecologists who are working together to deliver practical, on‑ground programs to help manage the island’s water, land and soil, pests, and biodiversity.

They work in partnership with the community, farming groups, environmental non-government organisations, local councils and community groups to deliver their vision.

Kangaroo Island Landscape Board
Chair: Andrew Heinrich

Primary producer on KI since 1982, with White Suffolk, maternal composite and Poll Merino Studs.

Keen to develop landcare practices that strike a balance between productivity and profitability while looking after the environment and maintaining biodiversity.

Kangaroo Island Landscape Board
Board member: Dr Peggy Rismiller

An environmental physiologist who has lived and studied animal/plant interactions on KI for over 30 years.

Passionate about feral plant and animal control, biosecurity and advocating the environment as the underlying foundation of the triple bottom line.

Kangaroo Island Landscape Board
Board member: Drew Laslett

Recently retired following career in natural resources including public land, pest and fisheries management. Involved with family farming enterprise in Limestone Coast region. Passionate about improving the condition of KI’s biodiversity and promoting productive and sustainable land management practices.

Kangaroo Island Landscape Board
Board member: Jeanette Gellard

An evaluation strategist and engagement specialist with qualifications in agricultural science and business administration and experience in facilitation, leadership, workplace resilience and coaching across the agricultural, tourism and environmental sectors. Passionate about rural and regional communities.

Kangaroo Island Landscape Board
Board member: Peter Davis

Sheep farmer, apiarist, creator and owner of the Island Beehive and tourism ambassador. Working to help the community have a more sustainable management of the bushland that echoes the ethos of the way Aboriginal communities once managed the land.

Kangaroo Island Landscape Board
Board member: Barbara Cooper

Experienced teacher and partner in a trucking business and farming enterprise on western Kangaroo Island. Working to promote and encourage sustainable land management in farming enterprises, biosecurity and feral cat eradication. Passionate about protecting the natural environment for future generations.

Kangaroo Island Landscape Board
Board member: Daniel Pledge

KI agronomist with experience across farming systems and land management and private and corporate business management.

Focussing on achieving real outcomes for good value and sustainability, so all can prosper in our environment.

Kangaroo Island Landscape Board
Board member: Heidi Groffen

Ecologist and Co-founder/Manager of Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife, supporting landholders with threatened species conservation. Former Communications and Media Coordinator at KI NRM Board and NRM Facilitator in the Northern Territory. Passionate about KI’s biodiversity and natural places and the dependence of the economy on the natural environment.

Kangaroo Island Landscape Board
Board member: Grant Flanagan

Recently retired after a career as a Field and Project Officer in agriculture and environmental departments, including 16 years with the KI NRM Board. Passionate about sustainable agriculture, soil health, integrated pest management, carbon farming, native vegetation, weed and water resource management.

Board meetings

General board meetings are held in the Board Room, 35 Dauncey Street, Kingscote (access from rear of the building) on the fourth Wednesday of every month commencing at 9:00 am unless otherwise advised.

Minutes taken from general meetings of the Landscape Board are available online or by request from ki.landscapeboard@sa.gov.au

Annual report

An annual report is produced each financial year and provided to the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water. This is laid before both South Australian Houses of Parliament.

More information

Communications and Media Manager

35 Dauncey Street, Kingscote, 5223, SA

(08) 8553 2476
