About the education program

About the education program


To create a thriving community of learners who are deeply connected to Kangaroo Island’s unique environment, through collaborative and innovative educational programs. By partnering with Kangaroo Island Community Education, we aim to provide free, curriculum-aligned environmental education that empowers educators, students, and the broader community to engage with and sustainably manage local landscapes. Through the development of interactive learning modules, educational kits, and specialized support, we strive to inspire a new generation of environmental stewards who will protect and preserve Kangaroo Island for future generations.

Focus of Environmental Education Program

The Environmental Education Coordinator aims to strengthen its partnership with Kangaroo Island Community Education (KICE) by creating a holistic education program that aligns with both the Australian and South Australian curriculum. This program is designed to engage teachers across KICE’s three campuses, providing resources and opportunities to integrate environmental education into teaching practices. The Environmental Education Officer plays a key role in this initiative, collaborating closely with the Kangaroo Island Landscape Board staff, the KICE Executive Leadership Team, and a dedicated teacher-led steering committee, together developing and implementing a cohesive program that fosters environmental stewardship and deepens students' connection to Kangaroo Island's unique natural landscape.

  • Develop educational modules on local environmental and sustainability topics, providing teachers comprehensive resources, expert support, and a variety of interactive educational kits available to borrow to enhance learning outcomes.
  • Foster positive behaviour change and build leadership capacity through increased knowledge, skills and participation to manage local landscapes.
  • Provide opportunities for young people to connect with and develop a love for nature and their local landscape.
  • Educate students, educators and community members so they are well informed and empowered to take action now, and into the future.

We offer:

  • Educational modules focused on local and environmental sustainability topics.
  • A central hub for environmental and educational tools and localised resources.
  • Resource Support with loan kits and equipment catalogue available.
  • Assistance with planning and facilitation of field trips and guest speakers.
  • Young Environmental Leaders Program designed for Year 5 students to develop leadership in sustainability.
  • Teacher support and collaboration in planning sustainability-themed units.
  • Link to subscribe to our quarterly environmental education update.