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Berris, K. K., Barth, M., and Welz, T. (2024). The impact of a mega-fire on tree hollow loss and nest box occupancy by secondary cavity-nesting cockatoos.Austral Ecology 49, e13565.

Morgain, R., Berris, K. K., Blackmore, L., Donatiu, P., Jennings, P., White, C., and White, J. (2023). Responses of natural resource management groups to biodiversity loss and recovery in the 2019-20 wildfires. In ‘Australia’s Megafires: Biodiversity impacts and lessons from 2019-20’. (Eds. L. Rumpff, S. Legge, S. van Leeuwen, B. Wintle, and J. Woinarski.) pp. 328-342. (CSIRO Publishing: Clayton South.)

Garnett, S. T., Ensbey, M. J., Lee, J., Boulton, R. L., Gates, J. A., Berris, K. K., Oliver, D. L., Malolakis, G., McCreery, D., Bain, D., and Legge, S. M. (2023). The impacts of the 2019-20 wildfires on Australian birds. In ‘Australia’s Megafires: Biodiversity impacts and lessons from 2019-20’. (Eds. L. Rumpff, S. Legge, S. van Leeuwen, B. Wintle, and J. Woinarski.) pp. 196-210. (CSIRO Publishing: Clayton South.)

Berris, K. K., Jones, R. M. H., Kok, X., McCafferty, A. K. J., Skirrow, J. K., and Mooney, T. (2022). The effect if inter-fire interval and fire severity on seedling germination and resprouting in Allocasuarina verticillata. Australian Journal of Botany 70, 384-395.


Comino, A., Lashmar, K., Berris, K., Byrne-Willey, H., Leigh, S., and Rogers, P. (2024). Population status of little penguins (Eudyptula minor) on Kangaroo Island in 2023. Kangaroo Island Landscape Board. Kingscote, KILB Publication Number KILB-2024-1. pp. 26.

Feral cats

Hohnen, R., James, A. I., Jennings, P., Murphy, B. P., Berris, K. K., Legge, S. M., Dickman, C. R., and Woinarski, J. C. Z. (2023). Abundance and detection of feral cats decreases after severe fire on Kangaroo Island, Australia. Austral Ecology 48, 600-615.

Hohnen, R., Berris, K., Hodgens, P., Mulvaney, J., Florance, B., Murphy, B. P., Legge, S. M., Dickman, C. R., and Woinarski, J. C. Z. (2020). Pre-eradication assessment of feral cat density and population size across Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Wildlife Research 47, 669-676.

Berris, K. K., Mulvaney, J., Florance, B., Hodgens, P. and Bolwell, V. (2019). Density estimates of feral cats on the Dudley Peninsula. A report for the Felixer versus Felis Project, Natural Resources Kangaroo Island, Kingscote.

Glossy black-cockatoos

Berris, K. K., Welz, T. and Leigh, S. (2023a). Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-Cockatoo 2023 census report. Kangaroo Island Landscape Board KILB. Kingscote, KILB Publication Number KILB-2023-11-R1. 18 pp.

Berris, K. K., Welz, T. and Leigh, S. (2023b). Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-Cockatoo 2023 breeding season report. Kangaroo Island Landscape Board KILB. Kingscote, KILB Publication Number KILB-2023-11-R2. 15 pp.

Berris, K. K., Welz, T. andLeigh, S. (2022a). Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-Cockatoo 2022 census report. Kangaroo Island Landscape Board KILB. Kingscote, KILB Publication Number KILB-2022-11-R1. 17 pp.

Berris, K. K., Barth, M., and Mooney, T. (2022). The influence of surrounding habitat, behaviour and interspecific competition on nestbox use by endangered Glossy Black Cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus). Ibis 164, 1035-1048.

Berris, K. K. and Welz, T. (2021a). Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-cockatoo 2021 Census Report. Kangaroo Island Landscape Board, Kingscote SA.

Berris, K. K., Barth, M, Welz, T., and Mooney, T. (2021b). Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-cockatoo 2021 Nesting Season Report. Kangaroo Island Landscape Board, Kingscote SA.

Delzoppo, N. A., Berris, K. K., Teixeira, D., and Van Rensburg, B. (2021). The impact of fire on the quality of drooping sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) cones for the endangered Kangaroo Island glossy black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus). Global Ecology and Conservation 28, e01645.

Berris, K. K., Barth, M, Welz, T., and Mooney, T. (2020a). The impact of the 2019-2020 bushfires on the foraging habitat, nesting habitat and carrying capacity of endangered glossy black-cockatoos on Kangaroo Island. Unpublished report to the Glossy Black-Cockatoo Recovery Team. Natural Resources Kangaroo Island.

Berris, K. K., Barth, M, Welz, T., and Mooney, T. (2020b). Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-cockatoo 2020 Census Report. Kangaroo Island Landscape Board, Kingscote SA.

Berris, K. K., Barth, M, Welz, T., and Mooney, T. (2020c). Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-cockatoo 2020 Nesting Season Report. Kangaroo Island Landscape Board, Kingscote SA.

Berris, K. K., and Barth, M. (2020). First records of nesting by South Australian glossy black-cockatoos Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus on eastern Kangaroo Island. Australian Field Ornithology 37, 59-63.

Berris, K. K., and Barth, M. (2020). PVC nest boxes are less at risk of occupancy by feral honey bees than timber nest boxes and natural hollows. Ecological Management and Restoration 21, 155-157.

Berris, K. K., Barth, M., Mooney, T., Paton, D., Kinloch, M., Copley, P., Maguire, A., Crowley, G., and Garnett, S. T. (2018). From the brink of extinction: successful recovery of the glossy black-cockatoo on Kangaroo Island. In ‘Recovering Australian Threatened Species: a book of hope’. (Eds. S. Garnett, P. Latch, D. Lindenmayer and J. Woinarski.) pp. 75-84. (CSIRO Publishing: Clayton South.)

Native vegetation

Lashamr, K. (2024). KI Narrow-leaved Mallee (Eucalyptus cneorifolia) Woodland Management Guidelines for Landholders. Kangaroo Island Landscape Board, Kingscote SA.