For educators

For educators

The Kangaroo Island Landscape Board Environmental Education program provides fantastic opportunities for teachers, educators and students of all year levels.

On this page:

Educator resources

The Environmental Education Program offers a range of high-quality teaching resources and activities. Click here to access them.

Education program Information Pack

If your class is currently working on or interested in exploring an environmental theme or unit, feel free to connect with the Environmental Education Coordinator. They can help you identify curriculum connections, provide local contacts, recommend suitable resources, and discuss ways the program can enhance and enrich your unit of work.

Click here to download the 2025 Education program information pack.

Resources to borrow

Download the Loan Kits and Equipment Catalogue here to explore a range of educational kits, equipment, and books available for borrowing. These resources are designed to enrich your lessons and deepen students' understanding of our local landscapes.

Assist in planning and facilitating class field trips and guest speakers

The Education program supports teachers by helping them identify appropriate locations for class field trips. The program can also provide relevant information and can connect educators with environmental professionals to enhance topic-specific units and related excursions.

Young Leadership Programs

Young Environmental Leaders Program Kangaroo Island

The Young Environmental Leaders (YEL) program offers students the chance to explore their local environment while building leadership skills within their school community.

Through their involvement in the YEL program, students enhance abilities such as public speaking and develop a stronger connection to and appreciation for the environment. This program is free and available to students in Year 5.

The Kangaroo Island Landscape Board extends its gratitude to the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board for generously sharing resources and enabling the adaptation of the Young Environmental Leaders Program for Kangaroo Island.

Click here to learn more about the Kangaroo Island YEL program.

Youth Environment Council of South Australia

The Kangaroo Island Landscape Board together with Kangaroo Island Community Education sponsor student representatives traveling to the South Australian mainland to participate in the Youth Environment Council (YEC) of South Australia. This long-standing annual program, organised by Green Adelaide, offers students the chance to connect with peers and enhance their skills for fostering a sustainable future. Participants engage in sustainability-focused learning, share innovative ideas, attend camps and regular forums, and receive guidance to initiate their own projects within their school or local community. For more details about the program, visit