Weed and pest resources
Pest plants, animals and diseases can have significant negative impacts on natural environments and the economy. The Board works closely with the KI community, providing advice on control techniques for weeds, including environmental, declared and Weeds of National Significance.
The Board takes a strategic approach to feral animal control, working with the community to remove the highest priority species. In 2018 the Board was successful in eradicating feral deer and feral goats from KI, after a 12 year campaign, becoming the largest island in the world to do so. Following this, the Board has set the ambitious task of eradicating feral cats from KI, beginning with the Dudley Peninsula. Over the past five years an understanding of feral cat ecology on KI has been gained, a suite of effective control and monitoring tools developed, a fence to restrict movement between eastern and western KI built, and domestic cat regulations introduced with the support of the KI community.
Being an island, KI has a unique opportunity to prevent pests establishing and from 2006-2020 the Board ran a successful biosecurity program, which raised awareness, and investigated and prevented incursions, including khapra beetle and rabbits.
The coastal waters around Kangaroo Island are not immune from pests either. From 2008-2018 the Kangaroo Island Landscape Board coordinated a marine pest surveillance program which, combined with rapid response capabilities, stopped marine pests from establishing at key entry points into KI.
Related links
Landscape South Australia Act 2019
Biosecurity SA (web page)
Kangaroo Island Biosecurity Strategy 2017-2027
Prohibited items for Kangaroo Island (factsheet)
Too Good To Spoil Too Precious To Lose: Delivering biosecurity on Kangaroo Island from 2013–18 (factsheet)
Weed control
Controlling declared weeds in SA (website)
Declared plants of South Australia - are they on your land? (brochure)
Kangaroo Island garden weeds (factsheet)
Livestock management guidelines (factsheet)
Fodder management guidelines (factsheet)
Coastal Gardens: A planting guide for Kangaroo Island (booklet)
Pest animal management
Applying for permits for declared animals (web page)
Declared Animal Policy and permit application form: Goat, Capra hircus
Declared Animal Policy and permit application form: Pig, Sus scrofa
Current work
Kangaroo Island Feral Cat Eradication Program (web page)
Kangaroo Island Feral Pig Eradication Program (web page)
Past work
Eradicating feral goats and deer from Kangaroo Island (factsheet)
The eradication of fallow deer (Dama dama) and feral goats (Capra hircus) from Kangaroo Island, South Australia. 2018. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management
PestSmart case study: Feral goat eradication on KI (web page)
PestSmart Case study: Feral deer eradication on KI (web page)
Marine pests
Information about marine pests for visitors to Kangaroo Island waters (factsheet)