Applying for permits for declared animals
Pest animals pose a significant threat to agriculture, the natural environment and public health and safety on Kangaroo Island.
Declared pest animals require a permit if they are to be brought to, and kept on, Kangaroo Island under the Landscape South Australia Act 201. No permits will be issued for rabbits, foxes, ferrets or deer due to the extremely high risk these species pose to the environment and agriculture on Kangaroo Island.
Permits are required for the movement, possession and sale of goats on Kangaroo Island and for the movement and possession of domestic pigs onto or around Kangaroo Island. See here for more information on the permit system for domestic pigs.
Permits are issued to individuals to keep particular species, at a particular location, and for a specified period. They contain conditions relating to animal numbers, enclosure standards, record keeping etc. Permits are not transferable. A person who contravenes or fails to comply with a provision or condition of a permit is guilty of an offence.
Click here for a permit application form and for more information about the declared animal policy for goats, Capra hircus.
Click here for a permit application form and for more information about the declared animal policy for pigs, Sus scrofa.
For assistance with the permit application please contact the Manager Invasive Species on 08 8553 2476, or