Domestic pig permits
The Kangaroo Island Landscape Board implements a domestic pig permit system to improve the management of pigs on KI and reduce the risk of domestic pigs becoming feral.
The Board's Feral Animal Control Officer administers the permit system and, as required, enforces compliance action where pigs are not securely enclosed.
Compliance actions are determined based on the level of risk the situation presents.
A permit holder must notify the Board of a change in ownership of any pig/s within Kangaroo Island before they transfer pig/s to the new owner.
Physical transfer of animals within Kangaroo Island must not occur until approved in writing by the Board.
Any suspected reports of escaped domestic pigs or concerns about containment conditions should be directed to the Board.
Why is the permit system needed?
The Board requires all owners of domestic pigs on Kangaroo Island to have a permit under Section 197 of the Landscape South Australia Act for the possession or transportation of domestic pigs onto or within Kangaroo Island.
There is a long history of landholders keeping small numbers of domestic pigs on KI.
Domestic pigs can be kept safely, provided permit conditions are met, which require stringent containment conditions.
What does the legislation require?
Under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019, all pigs are now listed as declared pest animals on KI:
- Feral pigs are declared for destruction, meaning that landowners must destroy any feral pigs on their land. Feral pigs cannot be brought to KI, released on KI, possessed, moved within KI, or sold. A person who fails to comply with these requirements can be fined up to $12,500 or imprisoned for two years.
- Domestic pigs can still be kept on KI, but all pig owners are now required to have a declared animal permit approved and issued by the KI Landscape Board. Permits must be in place before pigs are brought to KI, moved, or sold on KI. Pig owners possessing or bringing pigs to KI without first having a valid declared animal permit can be fined up to $12,500.
What are the permit requirements?
The permit system is similar to that currently required for keeping goats on KI.
- Pig owners must have a current Property Identification Code (PIC) registration that includes pigs. If you do not currently have a PIC, or pigs aren’t included on your registration, you can apply for or amend your PIC through the PIRSA website.
- Pigs must wear a form of identification, such as an ear tag, that can be clearly seen from a distance of 100 m.
- Pigs must be securely confined in an enclosure constructed in accordance with the minimum fencing standard, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the declared animal policy for pigs. Existing pig enclosures that were in use prior to the introduction of this policy, may be subject to slightly different fencing requirements, as detailed in the grandfather provisions in Appendix 2 of the declared animal policy for pigs.
- An on-site property risk assessment undertaken by an Authorised Officer must deem the property, where the pigs are to be kept, to be at low or moderate risk of escape. Permits will not be issued for properties deemed to be high risk.
See here for a detailed list of the minimum permit requirements.
How do I get a permit?
The permit application form can be found in the declared animal policy for pigs. The form can either be delivered to the KI Landscape Board offices at 35 Dauncey St, Kingscote, or emailed to
Once we receive your application, an Authorised Officer will be in contact to arrange a time to inspect your property, including the fencing where your pig(s) are kept. If your property is deemed to present a low or moderate risk of escape, a permit will be issued. Some permits may be issued subject to conditions.
How much does a permit cost?
There is no cost for a declared animal permit on KI.
However, under the Livestock Act 1997 all South Australian properties where one or more pigs are kept are required to have a Property Identification Code (PIC) number that lists pigs on the registration. If you don’t currently have a PIC, or don’t currently list pigs on your PIC registration, please see the PIRSA website for more details. The current PIC registration fee is $95 every 2 years.
If you have any questions about the new pig permit system on KI, please contact the Invasive Species Unit at the KI Landscape Board.
Phone: (08) 8553 2476
Address: 35 Dauncey St, Kingscote SA 5223
Image above courtesy: Kangaroo Island Industry Brand Alliance