Responsible management of galahs
News article
22 January 2015
Responsible management of galahs
Landholders are asked to ensure they remove spilled grain and other food sources to help control galahs and other flocking birds.
Reports of problems with galahs on some properties have prompted Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula to issue a reminder about landholders’ responsibilities in managing native and introduced species on their land.
DEWNR Officer Peter Wilkins said ” The adoption of minimal tillage practices during grain harvest had led to more grain being available to birds such as galahs and corellas during summer and into autumn.
“Removing food sources like spilled grain is one of the keys to managing bird issues on agricultural land,” Mr. Wilkins said.
“It is not only good hygiene practice in terms of controlling pests like mice and rats, but will also help reduce the number and impact of galahs.”
Galahs are an unprotected bird species in South Australia so a destruction permit to shoot galahs is not required under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972.
However, landholders who shoot galahs must adhere to the requirements of the Code of Practice for the humane destruction of birds.
Culling by other means requires a permit (and accreditation) for the “trap and gas” technique. The use of poisons is illegal.
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