The Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board is seeking feedback on a plan to provide a way forward for working collaboratively with Aboriginal communities on natural resource management.
Close to $130,000 will go towards landscape management projects on Eyre Peninsula, under the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board’s Grassroots Grants program.
Recreational fishers from across the Eyre Peninsula will have the chance to swap their newly banned opera house yabby traps for a pyramid trap at the upcoming Yabby Trap Round-Up in Port Lincoln.
The Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board is urging landholders in the eastern areas of the Eyre Peninsula to bait feral rabbits now, with dry conditions seeing a lack of food for these pest animals.
Work will begin immediately on a revised water allocation plan to sustainably manage water allocations on the Eyre Peninsula to address a significant decline in the region’s available fresh underground water resources.
A three-year project focusing on improvements to environmental management at priority coastal campgrounds is now in its final phase with works at 10 sites either completed or underway.
More than $110,000 is available for the Eyre Peninsula community to put towards local landscape management projects or events focusing on water, sustainable agriculture, pest plants and animals, biodiversity and community.