
Displaying 31 - 40 of 426 items

Demand for lower EP Fox bait distribution

31 August 2023

With a high demand for fox baits at the moment in our lower Eyre Peninsula region, we’re going to hold another distribution week with collection available in Port Lincoln and Cummins next week.

Be a citizen scientist in your own backyard

14 August 2023

Have you heard birds chirping in your backyard today? Or spotted an array of bugs or plants in a local waterway? There are times when sharing these observations can be really useful to the scientific community such as during citizen science programs.

Review of South Australia's Landscape Act

10 August 2023

An independent review into the operation and effectiveness of South Australia’s Landscape Act will be undertaken in line with the requirement that the Act be reviewed 3 years after its commencement.

Landscape Boards turn 3 - here's what we've been up to

03 July 2023

The year 2020 is memorable for many people. For us, it’s when South Australia’s 9 landscape boards were officially created, enabled by the Landscape SA Act 2019, which was designed to put communities at the heart of caring for their landscapes.

The future of managing acidic soils

28 June 2023

A decade-long soil acidity monitoring program on Eyre Peninsula farms has shown the importance of pH testing as well as testing at varying depths, not just the top 10cm of soil.

Protecting Eyre Peninsula heritage land

26 June 2023

More than 20 heritage agreement owners across Eyre Peninsula have expressed interest in the current round of native vegetation heritage agreement grants.

Sharing sustainable agriculture for the future

01 June 2023

Key learnings from a five-year regenerative agriculture project that has included farmer-led multi-species and soil carbon improvement trials, will be shared at an upcoming forum.