Three active Malleefowl mounds at Hincks

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Three active Malleefowl mounds were found in Hincks Conservation Park during annual surveys this month.

The annual surveys are part of a national program to help understand population trends of these threatened birds.

The survey team working at Hincks, which included National Parks and Wildlife Service SA, was thrilled to find three active mounds plus they also saw a Malleefowl adjacent to an active mound.

Feathers found at two active mounds have been sent to National Malleefowl Recovery Group to hopefully contribute to genetic work for this threatened species.

In western Eyre Peninsula, annual surveys had a different outcome with monitoring in a heritage area at Lock and in Pinkawilline Conservation Park, finding no signs of these birds at more than 50 sites visited. There were lots of fox footprints, scats and dens around some areas which is likely the reason the nests are not active.

This comes after monitoring at Munyaroo Conservation Park in which active mounds were found for the first time in 10 years at this site.

Three active Malleefowl mounds at Hincks
One of the active Malleefowl mounds in Hincks Conservation Park.

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