Now open - Natural Resource Management Project Proposals
Land managers, local government and community groups are invited to submit project proposals to Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula.
Do you have an idea for a project that would help to look after our natural resources (such as soil, water, biodiversity and coastal environments) on Eyre Peninsula?
Eyre Peninsula NRM Board Presiding Member Heather Baldock said the Board would like to fund community projects to help manage our natural resources.
“Examples of the types of projects which will be considered include protection of remnant vegetation through fencing, weed control, revegetation and coastal management initiatives”, she said.
“We would also be interested in projects that develop more robust sustainable farming systems for Eyre Peninsula farmers, such as those that support broad-scale changes to manage the risks of farming in low rainfall areas, as well as projects to tackle salinity, erosion and improve biodiversity on farms”.
“In previous years, we have funded a number of fencing projects designed to protect remnant native vegetation and reduce erosion on farms by excluding livestock."
“The urban and coastal environments are also eligible, and we invite proposals aimed at caring for coastlines and reserves.”
Proposals for environmental projects between $500 and $50,000, which align with the Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula’s Regional Plan, and aim to improve management of the region’s NRM activities are welcome.
Proposals aimed at;
• supporting farming systems groups interested in accessing training, technical knowledge, and running programs specific to their local area are encouraged
• initiatives to manage visitor impact to sensitive areas are encouraged. This could include works such as interpretive signage, boardwalks, controlling access and beach clean-up activities; to controlling pest animals and weeds that affect biodiversity,
Project proposals must be received by close of business on Thursday 30 April, 2015.