42 Natural Resources projects funded

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The Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board is pleased to announce 42 local projects have been successful in receiving funding totaling $289,484, to undertake a range of Natural Resource Management activities across Eyre Peninsula.

Expressions of interest for projects came from community groups, land and sea farmers and local government in March 2015 to the Boards NRM Project Proposals Grants pool which was made available through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme.

The Board’s Presiding Member Diana Laube highlights the projects have been selected to maximise sustainability outcomes for environment, economy and society.

“ High priority locations across Eyre Peninsula, including the protection of over 380Hectares of high conservation value vegetation, control of over 1,200 Hectares of Weeds of National significance, and 1000 of coastal erosion remediation and access management, are amongst the works we’ve been happy to have approved,” she said.

Natural Resources Officer Seb Drewer says a real strength of the grants application process comes from community and staff working together, and we’ve seen that again this year with the high calibre of proposals.

“Natural Resources EP staff then work with the successful applicants to deliver on ground outcomes. This year we’re supporting community groups & schools to undertake revegetation and environmental restoration works, funding fencing to protect threatened ecosystems such as the Endangered Eyre Peninsula Blue Gum ecosystem, focusing on coastal access and erosion control works, and our steady ongoing battle to control Weeds of National Significance,” Mr Drewer said.

If you’ve got a Natural Resource Management idea you would like to see developed check out the eligibility criteria online and talk with a Natural Resource Officer. Start planning for the 2016/17 funding round, due to open mid-March 2016: www.landscape.sa.gov.au/ep/get-involved/grants-and-funding


List of successful recipients 2014-15 funding round

  • Twenty Land Managers - To protect high quality native vegetation in zones of significant or threatened flora and high value coastal landscape from weed infestation.
  • Ten Community Groups - To protect valuable high priority coastal ecosystems, including weed control & revegetation.
  1. BirdLife AustraliaTraining of local groups in six locations across Eyre Peninsula
  2. Friends of Coffin Bay ParksCommunity education about Rosenberg Goannas - signage and interactive event
  3. Friends of Lincoln National Park Community education about Rosenberg Goannas - seasonal signage
  4. Lake Wangary Primary SchoolRevegetation of coastal strip adjacent to Thorny Passage Marine Park
  5. Lower Eyre Coastal GroupCitizen Science monitoring program to assist with shorebird protection during peak nesting periods
  6. Lower Eyre Pest Management GroupControl of Rhamnus weeds that invade EPBC Threatened Ecological Communities like EP Blue Gum Woodlands
  7. Port Lincoln Primary School Coastal revegetation within Lincoln National Park
  8. Port Lincoln Scout Group Revegetation at Trinity Haven Coastal Reserve, to help with threatened Hooded Plover population
  9. Port Neill Progress Association Weed control - succulents weeds within coastal heath area
  10. Tumby Bay District Council Assistance with stormwater retention as part of a coastal water sensitive urban design project.
  • Seven combination Land Manager and Community Groups - To protect coastal vegetation, including manage issues with coastal access as part of a larger plan and partnership Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula have the Regional Development Board and Local Government.
  • Tumby Bay Landcare GroupFencing and materials to define coastal access at Ski Beach Coastal Reserve.
  • District Council of EllistonWorks to protect fragile coast near the Coastal Trail.
  • Two Industry - To better managed resources.

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